Allbirds: The Ultimate Travel Shoe


The best travel shoes:

Please note: I am not sponsored or an affiliate of Allbirds - this is all written because of my happy feet.

YES. They are that good. I remember when I saw a few Allbirds ads on Facebook and Instagram and thought, “oh that’s great that they are making a sustainably made shoe.” But didn’t think much more of it. The first time I saw an Allbirds in person, was when I was leading a trip in Scotland and the faculty member wore an all black Allbirds. I thought that it looked surprisingly professional and it went with everything. I asked the faculty about it and she said it was her second pair and it was all she wore when she traveled. That was 3 years ago.

Cut to one month ago when I was starting to pack for a work trip to the Philippines and Japan in December. Since I was going to be flying on a domestic AirAsia flight in the Philippines which has strict weight limitations, I only wanted to bring one pair of shoes that would work for both country’s climates (hot and humid, and cold and rainy). After looking at so many shoes, I decided I would try the Women’s Wool Runner Allbirds. And let me tell you, this was the BEST DECISION I could have made. They look good, they feel good and they worked for every aspect of my trip. So let me break it down…


Even before I got on the plane, I was so happy to have these Allbirds on my feet as I silently ran through the terminals. Once in my seat, these shoes were so incredibly comfy for the flight. They are easy to take on and off, they expand with swelling feet, and they work with compression socks. Check, check, and check. Many people on long flights switch into slippers, but I didn’t need to because they already are a pair.


One fear I had before my trip was that the wool Allbirds would get too hot in the Philippines climate. It was super sticky while I was there, but I didn’t feel like my feet was any warmer than in any other closed-toe shoe option. The wool did seem to wick away any sweat (as I wore them without socks), so it didn’t feel damp. These shoes also look good with dresses, so it worked perfectly!


Obviously, in the cold, the Allbirds were cozy as ever. Since wool is water resistant they worked well in light rain. The only trouble was deep puddles, but that’s the case for most shoes. I was able to wear with and without socks in 35 degree weather.


There wasn’t a day that went by on my trip that I didn’t say “I’m so glad I bought these Allbirds”… seriously, ask anyone … and that’s because they were like walking on a cloud. My feet tend to be sore after a long day of walking in cities but this was never the case. In Japan I averaged about 8 miles a day, and my feet always felt fresh with no blisters or hot spots.


The second best part about these shoes, is you can wash them. I like to clean everything after a long trip, and now this can include my shoes! If they ever get muddy, dirty, or smelly, just throw them in the wash and they are good as new.

And finally the best thing about these Allbirds is they are SUPER eco-friendly.


The only situation I wouldn’t use them for is hiking or running, but for running though the airport - they are perfect! I would 100% buy Allbirds again, and will probably buy them in different colors. I HIGHLY recommend for your next trip!


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