Finding Yourself through your Myers-Briggs Code

Have you taken the Myers-Briggs personality test? If not, click below, to take the free test and find out a good estimate of your Myers-Briggs code (please note, this isn’t the official MBTI test).

Once you have your code, take a look at the sources below to get a whole picture of yourself. If you took the test honestly then in most cases it will be crazy how accurate these depictions are - how would anyone know you that well? If you are like me and are in-between two codes, then take a look at both of them.

I highly recommend looking at these if you are stuck in your job, about to start a new job, going off to college, about to get married, or dealing with any new change.

I recently switched full time jobs - and before I made the leap, I thoroughly looked at these sources as guides forward. What made me happy? What was I motivated by? When am I bored? What do I need out of a manager? What do I need when I am burnt out? These are all very important questions. You don’t want to take the leap into a job that just doesn’t fit your personality. It’s not to say you would be bad at the job, but a good indication if you would be HAPPY. And looking back on my past jobs - everything made sense. 

I am between an ISFP and INFP and am motivated my authenticity and creativity. For my job it is important that I have the freedom to explore and independence to pursue ideas. One of my past jobs as a customer service rep of 2.5 years I ended up getting horrible anxiety and OCD. This was because I was unmotivated, and had no avenue for my creativity. The job, honestly made me sick because every day was the same. This is perfect for some people, but not for me. 

So going forward I will always look to play to my strengths and prevent my unhappiness. This way I can be a better person for myself, my friends and my colleagues.

Check out the links below to understand your full self.